Fun Games to Bring to Thanksgiving

The holidays are full of traditions, but that doesn’t mean that all your gatherings have to be boring. Change it up this Thanksgiving with some fun that everyone can get in on. These games are sure to create better memories than that broccoli casserole. Turn your annual gathering on its head!

Blind Wine Tasting

Invite everyone bring their favorite bottle, or the wine that is most like their personality to the meal. Create numbered “guess” cards for each guest. As people arrive, discretely put each of their bottles into a paper bag and number each. Set up a wine tasting station for people to cast their votes or pass the bottles around the grownups’ table at meal time.

DIY Escape Room

This is perfect for the Type A members of your family. Escape Rooms have been all the rage for years now and they are a great way to get everyone involved in a fun activity. This game takes prep and some extra supplies, but is a super fun option to keep everyone entertained once the turkey is in the oven. Buy this Thanksgiving Escape Room kit for everything you need!

Murder Mystery Dinner

Add a little intrigue to your Friendsgiving with a Murder Mystery. Use THESE printable mysteries to get started. Each guest will receive a character card upon arrival, the host explains the rule of the game, and all the characters can mingle . . . until someone is murdered and the investigation begins!!

Heads Up

Fun for kids and adults! Everyone at the table has to stick a word to their forehead using a sticky note. Then, each person has to guess the random word on their head with the help of others giving them clues. You can make it a Thanksgiving version by having all the words be Turkey Day foods.


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