Alice, What are you doing?!

Hi Friends!!

Whether you landed on my page from seeing a post on socials or you are here because you think I'm always full of crazy ideas and you want to see where this one goes, thank you for joining me. I’m going to use this blog to share my journey on the startup rollercoaster. I want everyone to join me on this ride and I also want your candid feedback and insights. I want to build something that actually creates value in your life and I can’t do that without your participation.

Where did this idea to create an app that helps with planning social get-togethers and trips come from? Like many others, I am the person who is always organizing friends and family for various activities. Whether it is a beach trip or a wine tour, I end up being the one pulling everyone along…kicking and screaming at times :) I have been tossing around the concept for GATSBY for a while but it was driven home while I was working to plan my 40th birthday trip to Europe with a group of my besties. After over 50 emails and texts to coordinate dates and itineraries, I knew there had to be a better way. There are so many tools out there that help us be productive in our work lives but very few that help us make our social lives more productive. Why not?! There’s study after study showing us that a healthy social life into adulthood leads to a longer, happier life. We are all busier and busier, I want to build us the tools to make it easier to spend time together! Stay tuned…


All it takes is the RIGHT cheerleader